• June 11, 2024

    Share 2FA Setup for Team Access to a Single Account

    When your team or family shares access to a single account (such as for banking or social media, which seldom offer multi-user access), using two-factor authentication via SMS is awkward—whose phone receives the 2FA codes? One solution is to use an authentication app. Authentication apps are more secure, and multiple people can add 2FA support to the same account by scanning the QR code at setu... Read more
  • May 28, 2024

    Apple’s iCloud Keychain Password Management Is All Many People Need

    Apple’s iCloud Keychain Password Management Is All Many People Need

    We constantly recommend using a password manager like 1Password, BitWarden, or Dashlane. But many people resist ... Read more
  • May 2, 2024

    Audit Your Trusted Device Lists for Greater Security

    One of the ways companies protect critical account information is by remembering the devices you use to log in as “trusted devices” or “authorized devices.” Those logins will usually have been protected by two-factor authentication or another mechanism that guarantees the device is being used by you, its owner. Subsequent logins from those devices may be more convenient for you due to requiring... Read more
  • April 30, 2024

    Loose Lips Sink Chips: Beware What You Say to AI Chatbots

    Generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Bing/CoPilot, and Google’s Gemini are the vanguard of a significant advance in computing. Among much else, they can be compelling tools for finding just the right word, drafting simple legal documents, starting awkward emails, and coding in unfamiliar languages. Much has been written about how AI chatbots “hallucinate,” making up plausible detail... Read more
  • April 23, 2024

    SPF, DKIM, and DMARC: What They Are and Why You Need Them

    The ease of sending and receiving email makes it an attractive way to run scams like phishing attacks. One telltale mark of a phishing attack is the sender’s address not matching their purported domain; attacks that appear to come from legitimate email addresses are much more likely to fool the victim. You can protect your organization’s email accounts from being compromised and used in phis... Read more
  • April 18, 2024

    Six Reasons Why You Should Restart Your Mac Periodically

    Long ago, before macOS was as stable as it is today, Mac users restarted their Macs regularly. Back then, Macs couldn’t sleep, either, so it was common for users to shut down at the end of the day and start up the next morning, effectively restarting daily. With modern Macs using the barest trickle of power in sleep and both apps and macOS almost never crashing, many Mac users have gone to t... Read more
  • March 26, 2024

    Changing Passwords Periodically Doesn’t Increase Security

    Does your organization or some financial website require you to create a new password periodically? This practice was recommended long ago, but some organizations haven’t kept up with current recommendations that discourage such policies. If you’re bound by a password expiration policy, you can use this article to encourage your IT department or financial institution to update its approach to p... Read more
  • March 19, 2024

    The Importance of Staying Updated

    Does it feel like your Apple devices are always asking you to install operating system updates? You’re not wrong—from September 2022 to January 2024, we saw the following releases in Apple’s previous set of operating systems:
    • macOS 13 Ventura: 20 releases
    • iOS 16: 25 releases
    • iPadOS 16: 20 releases
    • watchOS 9: 15 release... Read more