• June 6, 2024

    Find Some Ham Amidst Your Email Spam

    Spam filters work pretty well—99% of the messages in your spam mailbox are probably spam. But it’s frustrating to miss an important message that was caught by an overeager spam filter. Here’s an easy way to find many good messages, also known as “ham,” amidst all the spam. Think of keywords that might appear in legitimate email to you: the name of your city, major employers in your area, nearby... Read more
  • April 18, 2024

    Six Reasons Why You Should Restart Your Mac Periodically

    Long ago, before macOS was as stable as it is today, Mac users restarted their Macs regularly. Back then, Macs couldn’t sleep, either, so it was common for users to shut down at the end of the day and start up the next morning, effectively restarting daily. With modern Macs using the barest trickle of power in sleep and both apps and macOS almost never crashing, many Mac users have gone to t... Read more
  • February 13, 2024

    Annoyed by Inline Predictive Text Suggestions? Here’s How to Turn Them Off

    In a slight nod to the hype surrounding generative AI, Apple added inline text prediction capabilities to the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. They can be helpful, particularly on the iPhone and iPad, where it’s often much easier to tap the Space bar than to finish typing a word or sentence. But that’s less true on the Mac, where a fast typist can be slowed down or derailed by the suggestions, and some p... Read more
  • February 6, 2024

    How to Avoid Head-Tracked Spatial Audio for FaceTime Audio Calls

    If you listen to a FaceTime Audio call using AirPods and hear the other person’s voice moving annoyingly from side to side as you turn your head, the problem is likely head-tracked spatial audio. In general, spatial audio attempts to make sounds seem to come from all around you, and its dynamic head-tracking opt... Read more
  • December 28, 2023

    If Mail Fails to Send, Try, Try Again (Instead of Changing Servers)

    Sometimes, something goes wrong, causing Mail on the Mac to have trouble sending a message. When it does, you may see an error like the one below, encouraging you with a default button to try another configured server. Don’t do it! Always click Try Later. If that still doesn’t work, contact your favorite tech support professional to troubleshoot the problem with the SMTP server associated with ... Read more
  • November 24, 2023

    Clean Up Your Mac’s Desktop with Sort Options

    When we help someone with their Mac for the first time, we often notice that their desktop is a disaster. Icons are scattered willy-nilly and often piled on top of one another, making it hard to locate anything. For most people, the solution is easy—sort the contents of the desktop. In the Finder, choose View > Show View Options. We recommend choosing Date Modified from the Sort By pop-up me... Read more
  • November 14, 2023

    Four Solutions to Gotchas in macOS 14 Sonoma

    We’re seeing an increasing number of people switching to macOS 14 Sonoma, and for the most part, things are going well. However, Apple introduced some new features—and turned them on by default—that are causing some consternation. If you’ve switched to Sonoma or are planning to soon, here are four features you might want to know about.

    Hide Windows when Clicking on the Desktop

    The mo... Read more
  • October 17, 2023

    Keep a USB Keyboard and Mouse for Troubleshooting

    Steve Jobs famously railed against cable clutter, and it’s now easy to use a desktop Mac with a wireless keyboard and mouse, either from Apple or another manufacturer. That’s fine for regular usage, but Bluetooth keyboards and mice aren’t always sufficient. Batteries wear out, pairing can fail, and wireless interference can cause lags or spurious inputs. Plus, if you need to boot into macOS Rec... Read more
  • October 12, 2023

    Is Your Mac Running Low on Disk Space? Here’s How to Delete Unnecessary Files

    Between apps, photos, videos, music, and downloads, it’s easy to fill up your Mac’s drive, particularly one with just 128 or 256 GB of drive space. macOS warns you when you get too low on space, but those warnings may come late—for optimum Mac performance, we recommend you keep at least 10–20% of your drive free for new downloads and virtual memory swap files. There are excellent utilities that... Read more
  • October 10, 2023

    Networking Gear Does Wear Out—Suspect It in Internet Slowdowns and Dropouts

    We’ve helped some clients recently with networking problems that seemed to be related to Internet connections. Most notable was intermittently slow Internet performance, causing the client to call their ISP to upgrade to a higher bandwidth connection with guaranteed throughput. But that extra monthly expense turned out to be unnecessary once we tracked the problem to a malfunctioning cable mode... Read more